Spanish Language Day 2022 (Reykjavík, Iceland)
Interviews with a group of Spanish- and Icelandic
speaking children, telling a bit about their experience learning several languages.
Video exhibited at the 1st celebration of the UN Spanish language day in Iceland (23.04.2022),
produced for the University of Iceland
and Móðurmál (“Mother tongue”), an association dedicated to teaching plurilingual children in their different mother tongues.
(section about Iceland missing here)
Video clip Distante Lejano
- Music: Sétimo / VII
- Production and video: Andrea Valencia
(click to watch on Facebook)
Christmas Unity
Quechua Language Academy course
Educational content creation for Academia de Quechua “Yachay Wasi”.
Christmas tree contest
Christmas trees made of recycled materials, organized by Lima City Council.
Recycling workshops
Video registry for Lima City Council.